The definition of climate-controlled storage varies among storage companies and locations, but the most common difference between climate-controlled and temperature-controlled is humidity. Temperature-controlled facilities usually only manage temperature, while climate-controlled facilities may manage both temperature and humidity. Both humidity and temperature work together to control moisture levels in a storage space. As humidity in the air increases, so does the air’s ability to hold heat. When humidity decreases, it also helps keep temperatures low.
Climate-controlled facilities use high quality HVAC systems (heating, ventilation and air conditioning), dehumidifiers, customizable thermostats and heavy-duty insulation to manage temperature and humidity.
Climate-controlled facilities use high quality HVAC systems (heating, ventilation and air conditioning), dehumidifiers, customizable thermostats and heavy-duty insulation to manage temperature and humidity. Dehumidifiers are best at managing humidity over time, but air conditioners are better at dropping humidity levels quickly. Air conditioners can change humidity levels fast by dropping the temperature inside the AC unit below the dew point. Because of this, air conditioners that also manage humidity usually have fluctuating temperatures. This can be bad news for a storage unit with strict temperature controls. Dehumidifiers are also more energy efficient at controlling humidity than air conditioning alone.
You can rest easy knowing that your invaluable possessions are kept safe in our climate controlled facility with 24-hour surveillance and guards on-duty. The best part? The first 30 days are free!